18 April, 2012

Angry Black Woman

The idea that all men are the same is a huge generalization that could potentially put many women in a box —one labelled “Angry Black Woman.” Of course there are men that are only out for what’s between a woman’s legs, that believe marriage is BS and are pathological liars, but not everyone with a pair of nuts is a dog. I believe there are good men (and women) out there, it’s just a matter of actually finding them or them finding you.
Is that as easy as it sounds? Hell no! Not with all the assholes most women keeps coming across, but there’s no set time or place that the stars will align for your perfect match. It sucks to all hell, but, unfortunately, all’s fair in love and war.
If all you’re meeting are men who only want to talk about sex or always want you to degrade yourself for them or wants you to open your legs and give them control over your body, you’re just dealing with the wrong men—or should I say boys. Clearly, these individuals are not right for you, and probably not many women, so thankfully most women have had  enough smarts to not fall for the BS and kept it moving.
But at what cost?
It sounds like some sister has given up on love—and men altogether. I mean, they talk about having all men jumping into a “live volcano” and then co-signed brothers getting their property trashed or burned and even having them shot, stabbed and beat to death.
I understand being upset, but this is not the mind state a man—good or bad—will be drawn to. I’m real big on people’s energy and if your aura is negative I’m going to pick up on that.
It’s not cute and it’s definitely not sexy.
Now, I’m not saying to pretend to be someone or something you’re not. No one can ever see their future clearly if they’re constantly looking at their past. So what you met a few dozen assholes, that doesn’t mean the next (or even the third) guy will be the same. You can’t force someone to be right for you. They either are or they aren’t.
The bigger question is are you right for anyone?
There comes a point when we all have to take a hard look at ourselves. Some sisters say they  don’t have to dress sexy to attract a man so I’ll assume they are attractive, but sometimes that’s not enough.
I’ve known some of the most beautiful people that were ugly on the inside and vice versa. It all goes back to energy. Being angry at every man you meet because of what some other brother(s) that he doesn’t even know doesn’t do anything but put walls up. Shielding your heart from pain is one thing, but trapping it in a lock box and burying it under the castle is another.
To those who think: “I will give a man a chance, I just won't give them a pass.”
I really wonder how true that is. Based off of what I hear, I doubt very much any man truly has a shot at being with many of you(sisters). It sounds like a brother could cross is eyes wrong and get “sent packing.”
Don’t get me wrong, I think every woman should demand and receive respect but being angry isn’t how you get respect or a man.

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