29 November, 2010

He’s Only Interested In One Thing Because She’s Not That Interesting

That’s it.
Women need to come up with a new line.
This whole “He’s only interested in one thing” line is old news.
I’ve been hearing it way too much and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only man. The fact is — and I said this on Twitter yesterday — some men are interested in only one thing because the woman is not that interesting.
Have we ever thought of such a thing?
Think about it.
More than one way to skin a cat. More than one way to get a man, like, try being interesting beyond the bedroom.
These women out here talking about, “He’s only interested in one thing.”
He got that one thing.
He’s out.
Shrug shoulders. Let it slide.
But why aren’t you a little bit bothered, a little introspective. Think all women who get chose are not interesting, on some vanilla with no syrup stuff? Wrong. They got chose because they were next level interesting. And yeah, that’s relative — we like what we like and that changes from man to man — but I’ve seen women attract flocks.
Want to know? They had the interesting syrup dripping from their pores.
I met women who I only wanted to sleep with, only to end up falling for them because they talked about themselves in a way I found — what’s the word I’m looking for? — oh yeah, interesting.
I mean, sure, maybe he has another woman.
Maybe the s*x was bad.
Maybe he doesn’t live in the same town and was only looking for a fling before he went back.
But it could also maybe. Possibly. Sort of. Kind of. Theoretically. Be. You. Yes, you my lady, are not that interesting.
I don’t know. Just a theory.
So ladies, want to try some humble pie? My brothers and I have been eating it for years and it tastes like facts we have to face; facts like we’re not God’s gift just because we don’t put our hands on a woman.
Ladies, bring something more to the table than a resume filled with things you did that have nothing to do with keeping a man happy.  Expect me to be engaged because of a mortgage. Mortgage my interest.
Make a man laugh. Make a man think. Make a man speak.
Every time a man doesn’t get the woman he wants he wonders what was he missing. What could he have done to get the girl who turned him down? Then he applies it to the next woman. Men evolve.
I think I said it before, but in case I have, we should all hear it again. I think women mature faster than men, but I also think women stop maturing before men.
These women think if a man didn’t want them, something was  wrong with him. He just didn’t see how interesting she was.
But what if he did see it?
There just wasn’t much there, there.
No more biting my tongue. Holding back for the sake of a woman’s feelings is over. The best way to eliminate the women I don’t want anymore, ignore them. Treat them like they treat the guys they don’t want. They’re not interested in him, so they act the part by not returning phone calls, text messages, and giving dry, one-word answers via chat.
I’m going to start doing the same.
Women understand: S*x may be on top of a man’s list of priorities, but it for d*mn sure isn’t the whole list.
We have a list of things we want in a woman too. Some of us want a woman who can cook. Some of us want a woman who knows how to look good. Some of us want a woman who hits the gym. But all of us want a woman who is interesting.
That’s the item on the list with stars by it.
Funny how I get all these questions from women asking me what constitutes “bad s*x”, but never get any questions as to how they can be more interesting to a man. “When a man who I find attractive approaches me, what kind of things can I do to keep him locked into the conversation?”
Why I ain’t ever heard a woman ask me that question?
Then again, maybe it’s better I don’t get that question.
I wouldn’t know the answer.

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